Get Ready for a Weekend of Learning and Community

This is a much anticipated gathering of Heartland artists, ministry leaders, musicians and experience designers. One weekend to energize your calling. To refresh your spirit while helping you shape your craft, and local worship culture. It is a time of renewal and recommitment to the God we adore and the people we serve.

Save the date!

September 26–27, 2025

Together We Church, Yukon, OK

Oklahoma Heart

Main & Breakout Speakers

We are incredibly grateful that God has brought together these talented Worship Leaders. Some of the most significant and formative voices helping shape our craft and community.

Robbie Seay
Charlie Hall
Josh Duncan
Worship Initiative
Matt Boswell
Matt Boswell
Assistant Professor of Church Music and Worship at Southern Seminary
Senior Pastor, The Trails Church
Celina, Texas
Matt Roberson
Matt Roberson
Heartland Visionary
Lead Pastor, Marlow First Baptist
Director, OBU Worship
Cody Dunbar
Cody Dunbar
Worship Pastor
Together We Church
Yukon, OK
Jami Smith
Jami Smith
Worship Leader, Lyricist
Singer/ Songwriter
Addi Panter
Marshall Hall

Registration Rates


Early Bird Rate

Through May 31


Regular Rate

Register Today